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Ticket details

Ticket details page gives an overview of all available information on the ticket. It allows you to respond to customers and to perform all other predefined ticket actions. It also keeps a log of all the subsequent communication between your team and the customer, as well as internal communication between team members.

The ticket details page contains the following set of information and the corresponding action forms:


The tickets details are splitted into two regions: the header region with the identification information, and the lef-pane region with information collected and updated during the ticket workflow.

ticket data header

The header region contains the following information:

At the top of the left-pane is displayed the navigation button with the ticket Queue name allowing navigation to the Ticket list and the corresponding ticket Queue.

ticket data left-pane

If enabled for the ticket Topic, bellow the button are displayed Custom fields with the data entered by customer or agent:

  • Submission fields entered by customer using the Submission form, or by agent using the Log a Call form
  • Update fields entered by agent using the Update action/form or Log a Call form

The following are other ticket details data:

  • Priority, if enabled for the ticket Topic in Settings > Forms > Submission forms
  • Submission date/time
  • Submission channel: Web form, Email client, Log a Call form, Web widget
  • Submitted by, displays Customer's name or named Agent if submitted by agent using the Log a Call form
  • Assignee
  • Assigned date/time ticket
  • Deadline, if not empty
  • Elapsed, total time elapsed between the submission date/time and current date/time in format "Days Hours:Minutes"
  • Estimated, difference between the submission date/time and the deadline in format "Days Hours:Minutes". If deadline is not set, takes current date/time
  • Rating, response rating give by the customer, if Customer permission "Rate agent replies" is enabled
  • Billable, total billable time
  • Closed, date/time the ticket has been closed.


The actions region contains Actions button menu along with the action's region. The Action's menu contains the following predefined ticket actions:


The predefined Agent actions that trigger the corresponding Workflow rule are: Reply, Assign, and Close.

ticket actions

To perform a ticket action:

  1. Click the action button. Subsequently, the action region appears.
  2. Proceed with the action as described bellow.

To cancel the action, click the Cancel button in the action region.


The Reply action allows you to respond to the ticket, and optionally close the ticket.


Once the Reply region is opened, you'll notice the Signature text inserted in the reply text area. You can set the desired signature text for yourself in the Profile, or in Users > Agents, Edit details for other agents.

To Reply to the ticket, place the cursor inside the reply text area and write the message.

ticket details reply

You can optionally use a Canned reply. Click the - Canned Reply - select list located immediately above the text area. A select list will appear allowing you to select the reply you want to use and it will then be loaded into the reply text area once selected. You can then edit the reply as required.

Afterward, enter optional information:

  • Click the checbox in front of the customer email address to enable or disable sending email notifications to the customer. You can set the same for Agent and Queue Manager
  • Update the default billable time (in minutes) displayed in the Billable field
  • Check in the Solution checkbox you deem that this reply contains a text with solution to the customer issue. The text is used for reporting in the Report builder, as well in the Intelligent solution feature.
  • Check in the Close ticket checkbox if you want to immediately close the ticket after the Reply
  • Click the Attachment icon to display attachment's upload fields. Add one or more attachments to the reply as required.

In the end, click the Reply button.

Subsequently, the corresponding Reply workflow notification rule is executed along the action, using the email notification templates.


To assign the ticket to the named agent, click the Agent field and search and select the named agent from the list.

ticket details assign

You can optionally set the Deadline using the calendar control: select date, hour and minute, and then click on the "Close" button within the calendar.

Click the Assign button to confirm the action.


In the Agent list only named agents who have access permission to the ticket queue are displayed.


To close the ticket, click the Close ticket button.

ticket details close


The predefined action allows you to add internal team comments, notes, instructions, and thoughts to the ticket Actions log and also to make discussions about the issue with other team members.

The ticket comments are not displayed to customers.

ticket details comment

To insert a note, place the cursor inside the note text area and enter the note.

You can optionally change or update the following data:

  • Notify team members by selecting one or more named agents from the list. The selected agents will get email notification based on the Internal note email template
  • Update the default billable time (in minutes) displayed in the Billable field
  • Change status of the ticket. The ability to manually change the ticket status can be disabled in Settings > Automation > Permissions, Agent permissions
  • Change priority of the ticket, if the field is displayed
  • Click the Attachment icon to display attachment's upload fields. Add one or more attachments to the comment as required.


To update ticket with tags :

  • Click the Tags field to select one or more ticket tags form the popup list.
  • Click the Tag button.

ticket details tag


To move the ticket to a Queue, click the Queue field and search and select queue from the popup list .

ticket details move

You can optionally Unassign the ticket, if you need to reassign the ticket in a later stage.

Click the Move button.


If a selected ticket is already assigned with a named agent, make sure that the agent has access to the Queue that the ticket is moved to.


The Update action allows you to update specific ticket information defined in the Update forms. If custom fields are added to the ticket Topic, the Update action will display the custom fields. For each type of fields:

  • Enter a value in text field
  • Select a value from select list
  • Enter date in calendar field.

ticket details update

To submit changes, click the Update button.


To delete the ticket, click the Delete ticket button.

ticket delete


The Delete action is not reversible.
You must have Queue manager permission to Queue that the ticket belongs in order to delete selected ticket.

Actions log

The Actions log shows the log of all ticket actions and events: requests submissions, customer and agent replies, internal notes, assignments, notifications, attached files, and other ticket changes. The log is displayed in the order of occurrence, from newest to oldest.

ticket action log

Each manual action contains the following data:

  • Performer avatar/photo and full name (either Agent or Customer)
  • Action name: Agent or a Customer action
  • Date/time of the action in the full format (set by the date/time format in the General settings)
  • Date/time of the action in the "Since" format
  • Billable time (in minutes), if entered
  • The action message text, if exists.

The log also displays results of automated actions performed on the ticket (set by the Automation settings:

  • Email notifications
  • Ticket changes as a results of the Scheduled actions: ticket Assignments, Deadline settings, Queue changes, Status changes, and changes in Priority.


The Customer region contains information about the customer who submitted the ticket. If the Customer is not registered, it displays customer's:

  • Name and
  • Email address.

ticket customer details

If the Customer is registered, it displays addition customer's information:

  • Customer name concatenated with the registered mark "®". The name is also a link to the customer's details page
  • Active checkbox that shows whether the customer is active
  • All other available information: Customer Group, Role (Customer or Manager), Company, Login (Username), Country, Region, Address, Phone, Mobile, External ID.

The Customer region contains the Previous tickets button. Click the button to display popup window with the list of customer's previous tickets, if they exists. The Log a Call button is also displayed and provides the ability to log a call for the current customer.